The Most Extensive Guide To Buying Real Indoor Plants

Have you caught the houseplant bug? Do you want real Indoor plants inside your house? This is what you need to read today.

Real indoor plants give the feeling of LIFE that faux plants cant. If you’re desperate for some real, live plants in your low-light living space, then this article is going to open up your eyes to the possibilities.

Not only do indoor plants enhance the overall appearance of a space, but they have also been shown to boost moods, increase creativity, reduce stress, and eliminate air pollutants — making for a healthier, happier you.

See our list of favorite easy-care indoor plants and find the right one at Amazon for your indoor space.

These Indoor plants are pretty much impregnable. They’re easy to find on Amazon and don’t require much more than a basic level of care. They also have the ability to bounce back from common problems such as over or underwatering, improper lighting, and varying temperatures.

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Succulents are plants with parts that are thickened, fleshy and engorged, usually to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions. Everyone can see that succulents are beautiful and make amazing indoor plants. There are so many other uses and benefits of succulents besides just looking pretty. They improve air quality, have lots of medicinal uses, and can improve your concentration.

Succulents, like aloe and snake plants, are particularly good at removing toxins from the air. However, you will still benefit from keeping any succulents in your home as they will improve the air quality as well.



This is one of the best succulents to grow indoors. Unlike other plants, it can survive a day of direct sunlight. You can place it in a pot with a drainage hole and water every week only when the top two inches of soil are dry. To keep it looking fresh and alive, just snip off dry branches.

Jade retains water in its round leaves, so it can sometimes survive more than a month without any attention. Position it in a sunny window (preferably south or west-facing) and water when the soil feels dry. Jade plants are fairly resilient and easy to grow indoors as they adapt well to the warm, dry conditions found in most homes.

Jade plants have a miniature, tree-like appearance that makes them very appealing for use as decorative houseplants. They live for a very long time and are often passed down from generation to generation.

SNAKE PLANT (Sansevieria)


Snake plants, also known as “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue”, are one of the easiest indoor plants you can take care of. This succulent plant is perfect for beginners. Too much water and wet soil will cause root rot. However, their roots spread so plant only in contained pots. Terracotta pots work well for snake plants. Snake plants prefer bright, indirect light and can even tolerate some direct sunlight. However, they also grow well (more slowly) in shady corners and other low-light areas of the home.

Snake plant is also a NASA-approved air purifier. While all plants are adept at soaking up carbon dioxide, NASA found that some plants go the extra mile by absorbing toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene through their leaves and roots.

Z Z PLANT (Zamioculcas Zanzibar)

A Z Z plant is one of the lowest maintenance options for indoor plants in the market. It is the perfect indoor plant for the brown thumb. This virtually indestructible houseplant can take months of neglect and low light and still look amazing.

Z Z plant stems grow in a graceful, wand-like shape. The entire plant has a waxy, shiny coating that makes it appear like plastic. So it is not uncommon for people to think that this indoor plant must be an artificial plant.

These plants do best in bright to moderate indirect light but will do fine in low light as well. It makes an ideal indoor plant for a window-less room or bathroom where it will only receive small amounts of fluorescent light. In case it’s in a place that gets too much light, You can also try filtering the light with curtains or sheers if moving the plant is not possible.

PANDA PLANT (Kalanchoe Tomentosa)


Locate this indoor plant in medium to bright light. As with most succulents, the soil should be allowed to dry between waterings. In fact, watering is a limited part of panda plant care. You will find humidity is not an issue with the panda plant. The average humidity in a room is enough for this easy-care plant. This indoor plant can live for many years.

DEVIL’S BACKBONE (Pedilanthes Tithymoloides Variegatus)

Pedilanthus Tithymaloides is commonly called devil’s backbone because of the zigzag stems that resemble a spinal column. It’s a small succulent for sunny indoor areas. Japanese Poinsettia is another name for them, as the leaves turn pink. However, Plants grown indoors rarely bloom but are popular for their beautiful and colorful form. You can grow this as an indoor plant in any bright location or as a patio plant in warm weather. It requires well-drained soil and minimal watering, just once a week is usually enough.

RUBBER PLANT (Green Peperomia)

Most of the Peperomias are easy enough to grow as indoor plants. Find a spot that gets enough light as it’s an important factor. Humidity is also important for the rubber plant. Sunny windowsills are ideal places to display this plant.

The leaves of this plant have a Glossy and fleshy look and feel about them. Most will grow up to 25 – 30 cm in height and must be pinched out at the tips to stop and encourage growth. Bright light can help them grow well. The baby rubber plant is fairly easy to water. Allow the topsoil to dry out completely and then water thoroughly.


The Aloe Vera plant is also known as a medicinal plant. The sap provides ready relief for minor cuts and burns as well as beauty benefits. These indoor plants are easy to propagate by repotting the pups. Plant your aloe vera in a heavy terra cotta pot that will support the heavy growth, and encourage air circulation. The Aloe Vera thrives on bright light conditions, but not direct sunlight so will grow well on a shelf or windowsill without direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist.

For Succulents use a potting mix designed for “cacti and succulents”.




Palms as indoor plants can really smarten the look and feel of a living room within a home or an office.



The Areca palm, also known as the butterfly palm and golden cane palm is the most popular indoor plant. It is an attractive plant that improves home or office décor and makes a great focal point for large rooms and reception areas. As long as you are able to provide enough light and warm enough temperatures your palm will thrive.

Most people find growing and maintaining this indoor plant easy enough. Be careful not to overwater this plant.

A fairly bright room without direct sunlight is best for this Palm. Not enough light will slow their growth and too much sun can wither the leaves.


The Bamboo palm is the most popular of the indoor palm plants variety grown today. Bamboo palms are quite an easy plant to grow and care for, which makes them suitable for those new to growing indoor plants. They tolerate low light and colder conditions pretty well. They also don’t need a great amount of watering and grow to a manageable height of approximately 2-4 ft which is suitable for any room, although they grow at a slow pace.

Watering the Bamboo palm too much will kill the plant. A small amount of watering once the soil starts to dry is enough for them. They need very little water in the winter. Also make sure the roots have good drainage so choose the pot accordingly.



This feather-type species is a slow-growing ornamental palm that grows well indoors. This palm has very slim feather type leaflets that arch over. It has an attractive trunk that grows up to 6 inches in diameter and is brown in color. These are suitable for brightly lit rooms. Phoenix is easy to grow and maintain.

They prefer bright light with a mixture of sunlight and shade. You can water these frequently during spring and summer, when the top of the soil starts to become slightly dry. Over-watering will kill this plant. Use a good drainage container for this plant. Watering and misting with filtered water is advised.



The Umbrella palm is a tough one, which makes it easy to grow indoors. The fronds spread in a circle to give them an umbrella-like appearance.

Once the plant matures it can be used as an attractive centerpiece in a large room. It is a wide plant so will need space to grow. This palm is a slow grower and just needs a sunny spot close to the window to grow well. Some sunlight and shade during the day is ideal, but not too much direct sun.


The Money plant is an excellent indoor plant due to its ability to survive in low light . It is an Air Purifier plant known to remove indoor pollutants. It is also an easy to care for plant suitable for the living room, balcony, bedroom or in hanging baskets. This plant with its beautiful heart shaped leaves is believed to bring good luck & prosperity to your home according to Feng Shui.

Watering requirement for the plant is generally twice a week. But it is ideal to water it whenever the top layer of the soil feels dry.








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4. SPIDER PLANT (Chlorophytum)

Thanks to its hardy and yielding nature, the spider plant is popular among indoor plant-lovers. They thrive in bright, indirect light, but will grow happily in a dimmer location, too. After a while, spider plants will produce a chain of white flowers and “pups”—baby plants that hang down from the mother plant and add another element of interest.

The self-propagating pretty spider plant will grow in low to bright indirect light, making it a great option for apartment dwellers or first-time plant parents. They thrive in nicely lit room without direct sunlight. 

Because the leaves and especially the stems grow quite long, the spider plant is best to be placed in a hanging basket, corner shelf or table that allows the leaves and stems to grow freely.

NASA considers spider plants as one of the best houseplants known as the Top Clean Air Plants, as it is known to purify the air by absorbing Carbon Monoxide.


5. BROKEN HEART (Philodendron)

Its unique heart shaped leaves make this plant stand out. Its adaptability makes it easy to care for. The leaves are a dark and glossy green color. Its foliage remains green all year round making it the perfect evergreen plant for both the home and garden.

This plant is quite durable and can thrive in many different conditions. It prefers bright light but not direct sun. It can, however, cope with low light. This species is quite tolerant of dry conditions however misting in summers will make it happy. This needs watering every other day.




Aglaonemas are often vibrant and colorful, with striking leaves. Because they are so easy-going, Aglaonemas are perfectly suited for living room or office. Because of their tolerance for both moist and dry conditions, and the fact that they will thrive with low light, they are a perfect choice for less than ideal light conditions. They are becoming increasing popular for room decorations and gifting. A bright room with the plant sitting in a shaded spot is best. Avoid direct sunlight.



The Lucky bamboo is an easy to grow indoor plant that can even thrive in water. While this plant is called bamboo it is not an actual bamboo plant species. According to Feng Shui, this plant brings good fortune to a home or workplace.

You can keep these plants in a glass vase for a minimalistic look. Lucky bamboo is also very easy to grow and maintain. Water should be replaced every week with filtered water. If the bottom of stalks becomes soft and mushy or yellow, remove immediately otherwise it can affect the healthy stalks.


The simple glossy leaves of the white lily provide a touch of minimalistic simplicity to the room. Because the peace lily is a fairly small plant in height and width they are suitable to place where you see fit.

NASA found peace lily to be one of the top 10 natural air cleaner indoor plants. The peace lily removes indoor air pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethane, and others.

The best environment for them is light and shade throughout a day. They like light, however, direct sunslight can damage plant leaves. A mixture of light and shade is great, is the ideal condition to give this plant. Too much sunlight can cause the leaves to turn yellow. Misting leaves regularly will improve humidity and keep it happy.


9. SONG OF INDIA (Dracaena)

This one is also a top pick for an indoor plant because there are so many varieties with different sizes, leaf shape, and color. The Song of India gives you beautiful, multicolored foliage. It has narrow leaves with attractive alternating dark green and yellow stripes.

A tough plant that is difficult to kill. Dracaena will look best if you provide it with the right conditions and minimal care. These plants need indirect light and warm temperatures. They prefer humidity, so you can mist your plant regularly. Make sure the pot drains well and the soil is moist but not wet.


Ficus Bonsai Plant, also known as the Banyan tree is one of the most loved bonsai tree in India. It is created by grafting two plants into one and making it a bonsai plant with fat trunks and green branches.

This is an excellent tree for beginners as they are fast growers and tolerant of all light conditions. They make great indoor bonsai.

Even though they are quite tolerant of low levels of light they should still be placed in a bright location. Dark corners and coffee tables are often too dark. The beautiful bonsai plants work as great stressbusters and air purifiers.



This beautiful Shaped Carmona Bonsai is a great indoor Bonsai Plant for Indian Tropical Climate.  You can place it inside the home, terrace, or garden. It requires less maintenance which makes it great for office and can be placed just about anywhere.

It requires a lot of natural light so place it next to a window. Always keep the Carmona moist, but be careful not to overwater because wet soil can also harm it. Water your tree as soon as the soil surface gets dry, but it must not be watered excessively.


1.Clean your plant’s leaves

The layer of dirt on the leaves blocks sunlight and reduces the plant’s ability to photosynthesize. Wipe the dust off the leaves or spray them with clean water, and gently massage your plants while you chat with them to create a vibration of love.

2. Sunlight

Your indoor spaces may not be getting as much sunlight during the winter – especially on cloudy days. Placing plants by windows or on windowsills is an easy solution.

3. Misting

Use a plant mister to add humidity to the air around your plants. By spraying leaves, the tiny droplets of water evaporate quickly into the area around the plant.

4. Group Plants

Arrange plants in groups, so as they transpire and release moisture into the atmosphere surrounding the plants.

5. Clearing

Clear away dead leaves that may have collected on top of the soil, also prune withered leaves using scissors or gently pluck them out.

6. Kitchen Waste

All organic matter that comes out of your kitchen is nutrition for your plants. Used tea leaves, coffee grounds, powdered eggshells, and cucumber peels will all provide your plants with useful nutrients. You can also water your plants with the water that you use to wash grains, lentils, and vegetables.

7. Music

Just like humans, plants love to listen to music too. Numerous studies have indicated that plants thrive and display healthier growth in response to sound waves and audio cues. Considering plants love classical music, you may want to get your plants swaying to Mozart.

8. Talk to them

According to horticulturist and botanist Luther Burbank, the secret to improved plant breeding, apart from scientific knowledge, is love. Talking to plants helps them grow faster. In fact, it is interesting to note that plants grow even faster to the sound of a female voice.

Author: Aparna Malhotra

Aparna is an avid reader, a passionate cook, a coffee aficionado and a musicophile. On most days you can find her appreciating the wonder of nature, nurturing her plants, lost in the deep blue sky, watching the sunset, being at one with the cycle of life.