14 Types Of Shirt Styles For Women
14 Types Of Shirt Styles For Women
Shirt are an absolute must have in your wardrobe. The world’s oldest designer shirt which can be traced to a garment discovered by Flinders Petrie, is a “highly sophisticated” linen shirt from a First Dynasty Egyptian tomb at Tarkan, dated to 3000 BC. India has all top notch shirt brands. Fashion in India is so unique that people from other countries are always willing to try out country’s fashion trends. Below are 14 categories of branded shirts for women to check out on Amazon India. At Hoppingo, our team of stylists have curated the best branded shirts for you to choose from in each of the categories.
1. Linen Shirts
Linen shirts comprise of textile made from the fibers of the flax plant. Because Indian women have a unique fashion sense, they like to rock linen branded shirts in hot weather because they are valued for their exceptional coolness and freshness in hot and humid situations. Linen branded shirts are a perfect match for evening occasions and for special events. Also, they are perfect for women out on dates, and outings. A good linen shirt might be a bit expensive but worth a buy. Click here
2. Chiffon Shirts
Chiffon shirts are usually light transparent fabric typically made of sheer silk, nylon, or rayon. It is airy and used to make some types of dresses and blouses. Have you thought of using a chiffon branded shirt in the Holi Festival, that is a perfect combination because it is a beautiful and very convenient lightweight fabric because its sheer appearance has a magical luster? Click here
3. Embroidered Shirt
An embroidered shirt is a loose-fitting upper garment that has some beautiful embroidery design on shirt. A good number of Indian women love to have at least 5 different designs of embroidered shirts because the way they are stitched are exquisite and have a perfect finish. Do not be left out, get yours too. Click here
4. Striped Shirt
Striped shirts have a series of parallel lines that do not cross each other. They are found in a variety of orientations some are vertically striped, though horizontally striped garments are not popular. Combinations of colors are often used to create differently named patterns, which brings out style and elegance. Striped shirt designs are appealing for women of all ages and cadre. Click here
5. Collar Shirt
While shirts have a collar but did you know there are 19 types of collars that a women shirt can have. Click here to find a different kind of collars that women shirts can have. Click here
6. Formal Shirts
A good day at work starts with a fresh crisp formal wear shirt. If you are looking for expert recommendations when it comes to collar shirts, you have come at the right place. Find plenty of formal shirts on Amazon by clicking on the image below. We have carefully chosen these shirts to suit different body types, personalities and season of the year so that your wardrobe has everything it needs to look chic at work. Click here
7. Long Shirts
Long shirts are not only a stylish wear, but they can be worn for a lot of occasion. It is best suited to be worn during travels and makes for a great airport look. You can wear them with or without a bottom wear. Some people often refer to these shirts as shirt dresses. Click here
8. Casual Shirts
Women also have a vast array of casual shirts to experiment with. They are basically meant for a casual day or a day when there is nothing important. Even on those days, you would not want to compromise on your style quotient. Choose from a wide array of causal shirts from amazon India. Click here
9. Asymmetric Shirts
Asymmetric Shirts take your style quotient one level up. They are not the usual shirts. They are dramatic and look very stylish when worn with denims or skirts. They come in many different styles and can be worn for an evening out with friends and family. Click here
10. Cotton Check Shirt
Cotton Check Shirts are an evergreen that can be found in every women’s wardrobe. They can be work as a casual wear. They look very cute with denim shorts. They come in various colors and even different designs. Have at least two different kind of cotton check shirts in your wardrobe. Click here
11. White Shirts
White Shirts is my personal favorite. I have atleast 5 different kind of white shirts in my wardrobe. They are also very useful in creating some great combinations. Click on the image below to find some amazing white shirts available on Amazon India. For style inspiration, click here.
12. Floral Shirts
Floral Shirts are meant to brighten up a dull day. They are vivacious and can change and uplift the mood of everyone. Floral shirts come in different patterns and designs. Outfit Trends has put together 30 ways of wearing Floral Shirts. Click here to check. Click here
13. Denim Shirts
Denim Shirts are best for months just before the onset of winters. Denim on denim is also a popular look often worn by celebrities and fashionable women. Denim shirts are available in different hues of denim with blue being the most popular color when it comes to Denim shirts.
14. Polka Dot Shirts
Polka Dot Shirts are a hot favourite for most women. Polka dot design is feminine and looks very chic and classy. You can find most websites selling Polka Dot Design Shirts – Koovs, FabAlley, Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra, Zara, Limeroad, Pantaloons etc
Value of A Typical Branded Shirt
Expressive Design
Variants of the branded shirts such as the embroidered, linen, chiffon and striped, are all a form of expression. For example, Hip hop fashion calls for a branded shirt which may extend down to the knees and it’s called the long shirt. A woman on in a stripped branded shirt looks both formal and elegant. One will be quick to assume that such a person could be a banker or a civil servant. The designs express more than words.
Most importantly ensure that a branded shirt is a top quality. As a woman, you would not want to buy something that will not last. The fabrics used in branded shirts are developed by a special treatment to protect the garments against shrinking. Should anything happen to your branded shirt either by fading, slacking, tearing, or getting loose, it shows that it isn’t durable and not a very good quality.
Laundry Friendly
The quality or state of being washable which people refer to as launderability (yes, that is a real world) is a major value which makes up a typical branded shirt. Some people are of the opinion that branded shirts are usually fragile and when in contact with detergent and water, it fades but hey… a good quality branded shirt does not do so.
Qualities to Look Out For, When Buying A Branded A Shirt
The name of a brand in the market of a branded shirt is what manufacturers develop to keep their customers and bring prospective buyers. As a buyer yourself, you would not want to go for an unpopular name. When a brand is famous in the market, people just go for it because they believe in its authenticity. When buying a branded shirt, go for the best names – Van Heusen, Allen Solley, Park Avenue, etc.
Clothing labels are an important tool used to ensure that the clothing sold meets standards in countries, mostly in India. The labels are usually attached so that they will stay on the fabric for the entire life of the product. Most fashion freaks believe that branded shirts without labels are duplicates/frauds. Be on the lookout to get labeled branded shirts.
This is one of the major quality women look out for when buying a branded shirt. In this ever-changing world of fashion, making branded shirts are valuable in the clothing world which is why most Indian women would not buy a shirt without a logo. A good recognizable logo allows customers to identify products, at just a single glance. Fashion enthusiasts place a whole lot of value on logos and can pay much for a branded shirt with a renowned logo.
Indian women who are “fashionastas” are increasingly looking for newer trends and designs in the branded shirts that they choose to spot. But today, in the corporate world, shirts become the norms of formal attire almost universally across all nations. Notwithstanding the formality, they equally serve as chill off shirts from places of works to worship places, parties and mostly on fashion shows, branded shirts are on high demand.
Checkout some Bollywood celebrities adorning Shirts and slaying it in style. Which one is your favorite? Write in the comment box below
1. Will the Design In My Branded Shirt Wash Off If I Use A Washing Machine?
The design in your branded shirt cannot wash away if you use the appropriate laundry process. Some require hand wash while some can handle a washing machine. However, detergents matter when doing the laundry. Don’t forget to read instructions on the label.
2. What Is the Difference Between A Regular Shirt and A Branded Shirt?
Branded shirts are exquisite, attractive, and adds that spice to your dressing unlike regular shirts which could be plain or boring. The bottom line is that branded shirts are adequately designed to fit best standard and are from a renowned or well-known brand.
3. What Colour Of Pants Go with Most Branded Shirts?
Colour plays a significant role in fashion. Basically, black pants can go with 90% of branded shirts. This is because it is a universal color that matches shirts irrespective of the design or colour. Also, you could wear a blue denim with almost any shirt and look chic.
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